Date and Time
Friday, February 07, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
O'odham language educator Mr. Curry will introduce the Alvarez Hale Orthography to help beginners on their journey toward speaking, reading, and comprehension of the O'odham language.
All staff, students, families, and Communities are welcome to join these free lessons. We will also stream and record Mr. Curry's lessons and do our best to provide physical and digital copies of his materials to those who want them.
PLEASE SIGN UP: 480-362-2200.
The goal is for participants to share what they learn with others, in their own homes, or in classrooms. This is a safe place to ask questions; recorders welcome.
The first session is Tuesday, Feb. 4, from noon to 1 p.m. This is a VIRTUAL session that will take place on Microsoft Teams. Sign up by calling or texting 480-241-1854. Those who sign up before Jan. 31 will receive printed materials to use at home.
The second session is Friday, Feb. 7, from noon to 1 p.m. in the ECEC Gathering Place. This session will take place in person. It will also be recorded and streamed live on Salt River Schools social media channels. Please sign up if you plan to attend in person: Snacks and refreshments will be provided during the event.