Salt River Elementary School honors student behavior and achievement by nominated students from every grade for Student of the Month. Then, SRES staff vote for one Lower Elementary (FACE-2nd Grade) student and one Upper Elementary (3rd-6th Grade) student to be recognized in front of the Education Board at their first meeting of the month.
The following students will be recognized at the October 2 Education Board meeting:
- Jordan Kavoka, 1st Grade: Jordan Is a safe and caring novoc (friend) In culture class. He actively participates in O’odham Niok (the O’odham language). He does his work and is respectful to his fellow E mascamdam (students) and Ha mascamdam (teachers). We love having Jordan in our O’odham culture class. (Nominated by ENLC teacher Ms. Gonzales)
- Svegi Garcia-Carlos, 3rd Grade: Svegi is an excellent example of integrity, which he displays every day in class by doing what is required without being asked or when the teacher isn't looking. He takes the initiative to be a helper in our learning community, and I can always count on Svegi to take care of whatever needs to be done in the classroom. He works hard to stay on task and follows school and classroom expectations. He comes into class ready to learn; in fact, he never leaves his learning day with unfinished work. He has outstanding work habits for a young student and perseveres through challenging academic demands. He is kind, friendly, and always smiling. (Nominated by Dr. Stant)
Congratulations, Jordan and Svegi!
We also want to highlight all the students who were nominated for the month of September:
Lower Elementary Nominees
- Giselle, FACE
- Shyla, Kindergarten
- Taylor, Kindergarten
- Arlene, Kindergarten
- Naniba, 1st Grade
- Luke, 1st Grade
- Violet, 1st Grade
- Adrian, 2nd Grade
- Lylie, 2nd Grade

Upper Elementary Nominees
- Cash, 3rd Grade
- Lyla, 4th Grade
- Victoria, 4th Grade
- Elena, 4th Grade
- Lyla-Anne, 5th Grade
- Mason, 6th Grade
- Melina, 6th Grade
- Alexander, 6th Grade
- Jonathan, Culture & Language Nominee