I am delighted to invite you to come check out SRES student artwork that will be featured at Winter Art on the Boardwalk by Sundance Creek Promotions January 20-22.
Located at the Arizona Boardwalk, the outdoor festival will celebrate winter Arizona-style in the heart of Scottsdale’s Talking Stick entertainment district from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (all weekend). Admission and parking is free!
The students (grade) involved in this art show are:
- Carlos (1st)
- Maisum (2nd)
- Tamara (2nd)
- Zalin (2nd)
- Rayann (3rd)
- Cyrus (3rd)
- Tianna (3rd)
- Angel Rose (4th)
- Faith (4th)
- Alanah (4th)
- Lyla-Anne (4th)
- Alina (5th)
- Mason (5th)
- Melina (5th)
- Akio (5th)
- Jerome (5th)
- Soam (6th)
- Malina (6th)
- Taylor (6th)
- Reef (6th)
- Peggy Sue (6th)
In addition to our student artwork, Art on the Boardwalk will feature talented local and regional artisans exhibiting fine arts, crafts, home décor, and specialty gift items within the intimate setting of the Arizona Boardwalk’s center courtyard. Click here to learn more about the event.
Last fall, SRES students studied abstract art in my class. They learned how shapes, lines, and color could be incorporated into their art and transform their pieces. The unit ended with the students studying the art of Pablo Picasso, an inspiration for many of the works created by SRES students.
I was very impressed with the quality work students of all grade levels produced for this contest. SRES students are so talented and continue to expand their skills as artists every week. I am honored to be their teacher, and I hope you’ll be able to view the work displayed at Winter Art on the Boardwalk this weekend.
If there are any questions, please contact me at 480-362-2400 or [email protected].
Thank you,
David Crebs
SRES Art Teacher