Fall 2021 COVID-19 Notices

Fall 2021 COVID-19 Notices
Posted on 12/31/2021
This is the image for the news article titled Fall 2021 COVID-19 NoticesCOVID-19 Notices sent from July 1 through December 29, 2021

Updated Dec. 15, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, Dec. 10. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice(sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Dec. 14, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Monday, Nov. 22. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice(sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Dec. 9, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Dec. 1. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Dec. 7, 2021
We recently became aware of two individuals from Salt River Elementary School with test-confirmed cases of COVID-19. One was last at SRES on Tuesday, Nov. 30; the other was last on campus on Thursday, Dec. 2. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Dec. 3, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Dec. 1. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Dec. 2, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Tuesday, Nov. 30. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Dec. 1, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Nov. 24. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Nov. 30, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Nov. 24. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Nov. 23, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Monday, Nov. 22. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Nov. 22, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Nov. 15, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, Nov. 12. This brings our campus active case count to three. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Nov. 12, 2021
We recently became aware of another individual from SRES with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Nov. 10. This brings our active case count to two. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Nov. 11, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from SRES with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Nov. 4, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from SRES with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Thursday, Oct. 28. Click here to read the full letter emailed to families (sent via SchoolMessenger to SRES families).

Updated Oct. 28, 2021
We recently became aware of three individuals from Salt River Elementary School with test-confirmed cases of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Thursday, Oct. 21. Click here to read the full letter emailed to families.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021
We recently became aware of a second individual with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Monday, Oct. 11. Click here to read the full letter emailed to families (it is the same as the previous post).

Updated Oct. 12, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Monday, Oct. 11. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive.

We have notified the Community Epidemiologist and health department. Students and staff who have been in close contact with this individual will be contacted directly. If you do not receive a follow-up call, then you were not in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with the individual.

We encourage everyone to follow SRPMIC health guidelines and monitoring your family’s health over these next two weeks. If your student experiences symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical care and/or isolate at home. Please inform school leaders if your student tests positive for COVID-19.

For more information about COVID-19, including how it’s spread, its symptoms, and prevention methods, visit
saltriverschools.org/news/what_s_new/covid-19. Additional information is available on the Centers for Disease Control website at www.cdc.gov.

If there are any additional questions, please contact me at 480-362-2400.

Thank you,

Dr. Amanda Guerrero
SRES Principal

Updated Sept. 12, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, Sept. 10. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. We have notified the Community Epidemiologist and health department. Students and staff who have been in close contact with this individual will be contacted directly about quarantine and other safety measures. If you do not receive a follow-up call, then you were not in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with the individual.

The safety of our students, staff, and Community is our top priority at Salt River Schools. Out of an abundance of caution, Salt River Elementary School will transition to remote learning on Monday, Sept. 13 (students learn from home and do not come to school); we will return with a hybrid learning model on Monday, Sept. 27. On or before Monday, Sept. 13, you will be contacted by your child’s teacher regarding pick-up for learning materials and/or technology. Online classes will begin Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. via MS Teams.

MEALS: During the next two weeks, Salt River Schools Food Services will offer curbside breakfast and lunch meals weekdays from 10-11:30 a.m. (via the ECEC Cafetorium). Meals are available to any youth ages 18 and younger, regardless of where they attend school. Meal delivery is not available at this time. If you have questions about meals, please call 480-362-2242, or email [email protected].

Beginning Monday, Sept. 27, our school will implement a hybrid learning model. Click here to review the full details of this model. The hybrid learning format allows us to reduce the number of students on campus each day and help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. The schedule for this hybrid format is as follows:

  • Students in grades F.A.C.E., 2, 6, and 2/3 combo will learn on-campus (in person) on Mondays and Thursdays. On Tuesdays and Fridays, these students will learn remotely at home and log in to class via MS Teams.
  • Students in grades Kinder, 1, 3, 4, and 5 will learn on-campus (in person) on Tuesdays and Fridays. On Mondays and Thursdays, these students will learn remotely at home and log in to class via MS Teams.
  • All students will learn remotely at home on Wednesdays. Work on these days will be asynchronous, meaning students will work on their own from printed packets or online.

We encourage everyone to follow SRPMIC health guidelines and monitoring your family’s health over these next two weeks. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical care and/or isolate at home. Please inform school leaders if your student tests positive for COVID-19. For more information about COVID-19, including how it’s spread, its symptoms, and prevention methods, visit the Centers for Disease Control website at www.cdc.gov.

If there are any additional questions, please contact me at 480-362-2400.

Thank you,

Dr. Amanda Guerrero
SRES Principal

Updated Aug. 19, 2021

Salt River Elementary School will be closed to students and visitors beginning Friday, Aug. 20. Students will learn remotely for two weeks; SRES will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 7.

The decision to close was not made lightly, nor was it made because of increasing COVID-19 case numbers at SRES. To date, SRES has a total of two (2) test-confirmed individuals with COVID-19. This means our safety measures at school have been working: Face masks are required for everyone, social distancing is practiced, and hand-washing/sanitizing is done throughout the day. Our learning areas are also disinfected multiple times throughout the day.

However, it was determined that one of these individuals may have had close contact with many classrooms; close contact is generally cause for quarantine. Out of an abundance of caution, Salt River Schools and Community leaders made the decision to close SRES; this will allow impacted staff and students to isolate at home, get tested if they are experiencing symptoms, and help keep the spread of COVID-19 to a minimum. Closing also means Public Works can do a deep clean of SRES. When we return in-person on Tuesday, Sept. 7, we will be ready to learn together safely.

This decision does not impact students and staff at the Early Childhood Elementary School or the Accelerated Learning Academy. Those schools will continue to operate in person as scheduled. 

Please be aware of and follow all safety protocols in place.

Click here to read the rest of the letter broadcast to SRES families, which includes details about virtual learning, school meals, and more

Updated Aug. 18, 2021
Today we became aware of another individual at Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. This brings our case count to two. The second individual was last at SRES on Friday, Aug. 13. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive.

The rest of this letter is the same as what was sent in our first notice. Click here to read the full, second letter, which will be sent home with students on 8/19/21 and sent as a broadcast to families with phones/emails on file with the school. Questions? Call SRES at 480-362-2400.

Updated Aug. 18, 2021
The safety of our students, staff, and Community is our top priority at Salt River Schools. We want to let you know that we recently became aware of an individual at Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Aug. 11. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive.

How will this be addressed?
We have notified the Community Epidemiologist and health department; we have also taken appropriate measures to ensure any areas potentially exposed by this individual are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Students and staff who have been in close contact with this individual will be contacted about quarantine and other safety measures. If you do not receive a direct call, then you were not in close contact with the individual.

At Salt River Schools, we are confident we have implemented safety protocols that significantly reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread, including limiting who is on campus and ensuring everyone washes/sanitizes their hands throughout the school day. Everyone age 2+ who enters our buildings is required to wear a face mask.

If you have questions about testing or COVID-19 in general, please call the SRPMIC Epidemiologist Nancy Mangieri at 480-362-7247 or email [email protected]. For all other questions or concerns, please call me at 480-362-2400.

Click here to read the full letter that was sent home with students.

Dr. Amanda Guerrero
SRES Principal

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