Save the Date: Space Day is Oct. 26!

Salt River Elementary School recognizes the importance of integrating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) curriculum into classrooms to prepare students for the 21st Century workforce and economy.
STEAM stimulates curiosity and develops practical skills, such as problem solving and critical thinking.
Space Day is one of SRES’s annual events to promote STEAM. This year, learning experiences will take place on Thursday, Oct. 26. This is the sixth year SRES has celebrated Space Day.
Click here to view the Space Day 2017 Agenda!
Students in grades K-6 participate in hands-on, interactive activities and lectures relating to the exciting innovations in space science. On Space Day, students will see and hear first-hand from guest speakers who are experts and actively work in their field!
Thanks to the hard work of SRES staff, this year’s lineup is bigger and better than ever! Sessions are specifically planned for each grade. Sessions may include rockets, satellites, planets, moon rocks, why we explore space, how to map a new planet and more!
Students are also encouraged to participate in the Space Suit Poster Design Contest for a chance to win a spacesuit, space helmet or space gloves. Submit your entries today! All entries must be submitted by Oct. 25 to be eligible for prizes.
SRES and Salt River Schools would like to extend a heartfelt “MAVA SAPE”—thank you—to all those involved in making SRES Space Day 2017 an exciting success for all Salt River Elementary students.
Special Thanks
- Ruben Gameros, ASU Autonomous Collective Systems Lab
- Meg Hufford, Sr., Community Outreach Group, ASU School of Earth & Space Exploration
- Matt Learn, Orbital ATK Associate Engineer
- Ricardo Munoz, General Dynamics
- Dr. Jim Rice, NASA Mars Exploration Rover Project
Watch Dr. Rice's keynote presentation given 10/26!
Click here to view a PDF of Dr. Rice's presentation (seen in the live video above).
- Dr. Jekan Thanga, Head of SpaceTREx Lab at the University of Arizona
- John Vanderwater, Challenger Space Center Director of Education
- Dr. Ashwin Vasavada, NASA Project Scientist
For more information about Space Day activities, call SRES at 480-362-2400.