Due to staff shortages, the Salt River Schools Transportation team has had to make some changes to its bus schedule and routes this school year.
Beginning Monday, August 1, Salt River Elementary School students who live within 1 (one) mile of campus will need to walk or find their own way to school in the morning. If needed, the Transportation team can work with families to provide a bus ride home after school. The map below shows what falls within 1 mile of campus; call
Transportation if you have any questions at 480-362-2121 (or 2127).
If your student will be walking to school, there is a
form in the Student Enrollment packet that we need you to sign, so you’re aware of the expectations. We also want to make sure our students practice good safety and awareness skills, regardless of how they get to/from school –
click here to view good safety tips for bus riders and
click here for good safety tips for students who walk/bike to school and review these tips with your children.
The Transportation team will have a booth at our upcoming “Meet the Teacher” event on Friday, July 29, that you can fill out this form and learn more, if needed.
If there are any additional questions, please call me at 480-362-2400.
Thank you,
Dr. Amanda Guerrero, Principal
Salt River Elementary School