
Please make sure the school has your current contact information on file (email, home phone, work phone and at least one emergency contact).

The United States Department of Agriculture and the Arizona Department of Education have required schools to develop wellness programs.

  • Goals: The Wellness Program must improve what children eat at school and increase the amount of physical activity children receive during the school day.
  • Food Quality: To reduce the amount of less healthy food choices, all food served during the school day must meet the new Wellness standards.
  • Sack lunches brought from home and food served at parties are also required to meet the new standards.

Contact SRES if you have questions about what food items to send to school with your student.

All students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch served at school. We encourage all families to take advantage of this service. Check out our Breakfast & Lunch page for more information!

Foods that should not be brought or sent to school include (but may not be limited to the following):

  • Soda Pop
  • Candy
  • Baked Items (For example: pies, donuts, cookies, and cakes)
  • Sports Drinks
  • Fast Foods (including French fries and breakfast burritos)
  • Fried Chips (baked are okay)
  • Sweetened Drinks (not 100% fruit or vegetable juice)

SRES students who are in possession of the above items while at school may have those items confiscated and/or disposed of by school staff. 

Please help us adhere to the Wellness Program to ensure students receive proper nutrition for their continued academic success.

The school encourages healthier selections for class parties. Discuss your plans with the classroom teacher before bringing food to campus. Class parties may be restricted to provide more teaching time for our students.

The Wellness Program promotes eating smart, nutrition education, and getting plenty of exercise. We ask for your support. If you have any questions about how you can support better health for your students, please contact SRES at 480-362-2400.

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