Bell Schedule
School Office Hours: 7:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Instructional Day Hours: 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Early Dismissal Days: 7:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Attendance and Truancy
School begins everyday at 7:45 a.m.
A student is considered tardy when arriving after this time.
Students must be in attendance at school for at least ¾ of the school day in order to be counted/considered as present.
Excused absences are recorded when the Parent/Legal Guardian has notified the school of the student’s absence for reasons of illness, injury, medical appointments, family member’s death or other specified family emergencies. A signed doctor’s note must be provided to the school within 24 hours of the child’s return to school. Vacations and/or personal non-school related trips will be recorded as unexcused absences.
Truancy referrals will go in at 9 absences (excused and unexcused). Truancy referrals will go in at 9 tardy (excused and unexcused). Students with 10 days of consecutive absences (excused and unexcused) will be dropped. Out-of-Boundary students with excessive tardy and/or absences will be directed to return to their home school district outside the Salt River Community. Students who withdraw or are dropped from Salt River Elementary may not re-enroll for the remaining current school year.
In accordance with the SRPMIC Truancy Ordinance, every child between the ages of 5 and 18 shall attend scheduled school classes unless officially excused. The Truancy Ordinance further makes reference that the Parent/Legal Guardian shall enroll the child in and ensure that the child attends school for the full time school is in session.
Compliance regarding attendance is the responsibility of the Parent /Legal Guardian. Truancy. Excessive tardy days and/or absences subject the student and Parent/ Legal Guardian to disciplinary and possible legal action.
The school will contact the Parent/Legal Guardian concerning their child’s attendance through quarterly attendance summary reports; intermittent letters for Attendance Review (at 3 absences and at 3 tardy days), Attendance Concern (at 6 absences and at 6 tardy days), and Warning Letters (at 9 absences and at 9 tardy days).
Home visits by the Attendance Counts Team will be done when the Parent/Legal Guardian cannot be reached through the phone numbers on file for the child. Attendance meetings may be held at any time and can be requested by the teacher, Parent/Legal Guardian and other concerned school staff members.
Student Absences
Parent/Legal Guardian is asked to call the SRES attendance line at 480-362-2467 before 9 a.m. to report the student's absence for the day.
Calls made by 9 a.m. prevent a safety check call to you. Calls will be accepted through the end of the school day. A written note, submitted when the student returns, is also acceptable. Communication from the Parent/Legal Guardian must occur within 24 hours of the absence.
Late Arrival and Early Checkout:
There may be times when students arrive late or are checked out early for doctor appointments, illness, or specified family emergencies. Parents/Legal Guardians are encouraged to work collaboratively with the school to avoid excessive tardy or early student check out(s).
The first minutes of school are very important in setting the tone for the rest of the day and may include important class discussion and directions to students. During the last minutes of the school day, the teacher is providing closure, is reviewing the work of the day and assigning/explaining homework. Much of what occurs in the classroom cannot be made up at home (i.e. teacher instruction, class discussion and interaction).
Arriving Late:
At 7:45 a.m. the side entrance gate will be closed by the school staff. Students arriving after this time must proceed through the school's front door to the main office for a pass from the office staff. Parents/Legal Guardians who choose to escort their children to class must stop at the front office for a visitor’s badge.
Salt River Schools and Salt River Elementary School value the importance of working with families and the Community to help students achieve high academic and social standards. Our commitment to education involves a strong Community/school relationship that will produce regular attendance for all SRPMIC students. This agreement is a commitment that supports the partnership in educating our students.
Student Attendance Agreement
I will…
- Attend school regularly and arrive before 7:45 AM each morning.
- Provide the school office with a written notice of any absences upon student's return.
- Comply with directive of school staff in regards to attendance.
- Accept any/all consequences as a result of being truant and/or tardy.
Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement
I will…
- Ensure that my child attends school regularly and arrives on time for school each morning.
- Call the Attendance Line at 480-362-2467 daily when child is absent.
- Provide written notice/documentation for the absence (i.e. Medical note, appointment slip)
- Attend scheduled meetings with school administrators and school staff, as necessary.
- Accept any/all consequences related to my child’s attendance.
Salt River Schools Expectations and Consequences for Absences and Truancy:
- Parents/Legal Guardians of children 5 to 18 years of age are required to have their children enrolled in school.
- Parents/Legal Guardians are responsible for having their children in school on all days in which school is in session. Students are required to arrive to school on time.
- Parent/Legal Guardians are responsible for contacting their child’s school when their child is absent to verify the reason for that absence. If the school is not contacted, the absence will be considered unverified. The SRES Attendance Line is 480-362-2467.
- When a student is absent for a reason that is not a legally excused absence, that absence will be unexcused.
- Any student who is considered truant will be referred to an Attendance Officer and will be subject to the SRPMIC Truancy Ordinance, which may result in substantial fines.
- Any days of out-of-school suspension will count as unexcused absences for the purpose of the school’s attendance policy.
- Students who are truant are not eligible to attend and/or participate in school-sponsored activities.
Students and a parent/guardian sign a form during registration agreeing to these attendance rules.