School-Wide Distance Learning Expectations for SRES Students
Student conduct during distance learning must comply with all SRES policies, and is subject to SRES disciplinary procedures, which can be found in the Behavior and Disciplinary Responsibilities section of the
SRS Student Conduct Discipline Handbook.
Before Online Class
I will Eat & Drink Before We Meet
Be Prompt
- I will wake up early enough to get dressed appropriately
- I will log in a few minutes early
Be Prepared
- I will be in a quiet location with no distractions
- I will have my materials ready
- I will have my cameras on & I will be in view of it
During Online Class
Be Productive
- I will participate
- I will add to the discussions
- I will ask questions
Be Positive
- I will have a positive attitude
- I will not be negative in words or writing
- I will communicate to an adult if I see or hear something that makes me uncomfortable
Be Proactive
- I will focus my time and energy on things I can control
- I will stay on topic
After Online Class
Be Responsible
- I will check Teams and Class Dojo Portfolio for Announcements and Assignments
- I will submit all assignments on time