We want to make you aware of an incident involving an individual who was yelling loudly and using inappropriate language within the vicinity of the school this morning. One of our staff reported the man, and we worked with the Safe Schools & Security team and SRPD School Resource Officers to ensure our students and staff were safe. Officers addressed the man and his needs quickly and appropriately.
Thankfully, no one was harmed in this incident. However, the situation reminds us that we should all be vigilant about safety. We encourage families to have ongoing discussions with children about keeping safe and what to do if a stranger approaches them or makes them feel uncomfortable. Please use today's incident as a conversation starter about how your child keeps safe, especially on their way to and from school and while out and about in the Community.
Here are a few helpful reminders for students:
- Never talk to strangers.
- Never get into a car with a stranger, even if they tell you they are looking for a lost pet or someone you know is hurt and they will take you to them.
- Students should walk to and from school with other children.
- If approached by a stranger, tell a trusted adult immediately.
If you have any questions, please call SRES at 480-362-2400.
Thank you,
Dr. Amanda Guerrero, Principal
Salt River Elementary School