NEW Student Pick-Up Procedures

NEW Student Pick-Up Procedures
Posted on 10/16/2017
This is the image for the news article titled NEW Student Pick-Up Procedures

Monday, Oct. 16, begins a new parent pick-up procedure to help make the whole process of picking up your student after school a lot smoother. We appreciate your help and patience to make this transition as smooth and safe as possible.

All parents/guardians who pick up their children at the end of the school day must now do so BEHIND BUILDING A (use the SOUTH vehicle entrance to the school along Highland Avenue). The route may be tricky to get used to, so drivers must follow staff directions - see map image below.

Map of new route of after school student pick-up procedures.

Building A is the light gray square on the left, next to the arrows.
Click the image to view it larger.

The gate will open at 2:45 p.m. for pick-up and will close again at 3:15 p.m., after which students should be picked up using the Center Street entrance.

If you have questions about this new process, please call SRES at 480-362-2400.

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