Check out our very own Candice Namoki, who this week brought more than 700 people to their feet with her speech at the
National Center for Families Learning conference in Florida.
Candice spoke about the Salt River Elementary School
Family and Child Education (FACE) program from her perspective as a parent.
We're so proud of Candice, not just for her bravery in speaking to a huge group of people, but for her strength and perseverance as a parent.
Says Dr. Amanda Guerrero, the principal of Salt River Elementary School, where some of Candice's children currently attend school: "Through her time spent participating in FACE, Candice has learned to advocate for her children. She has increased her knowledge in so many areas and has met the goals she established for herself in the adult FACE class. She uses her powerful voice and is able to meet with teachers and administrators to make sure her children get what they need from Salt River Schools."
Thank you, Candice, for being an active participant in your children's education.
A special shout out the FACE program, SRES and other Salt River Schools sites and departments that--through parents like Candice--prove what kind of incredible results are possible when we go ALL IN and work TOGETHER.
For more information, call SRES at 480-362-2400.
#SRStogether #NCFL18